Santa Barbara Flyball Tournament

August 1-3, 2003

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Holly, Veronica, Gary, Eunice, Chuck, Susan and Toby at the North County Fair rendezvous spot Gary's pop-up trailer and the Bellagio Val & Peg's truck and trailer backing into the campground spot
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Backing in is fun! (Jet was helping with the precise calculations!) Dyson and Sage on our bed at Val & Peg's Our Friday night dinner destination: the Lemon Tree Inn (and its sad-looking lemon tree!)
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Peg, Veronica, Val and Gary setting up the Lickety Splits compound Stetson in the window of the Bellagio Veronica Springs Road!
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Peg, Veronica, and Bruiser in Lynda's RV, plotting Val's birthday surprise Lynda, Gary, Molly, Suzy, Rudy and Sadi
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The park's set-up Kari keeping and eye on the parachuter Stetson!
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The Gary Albino Fan Club! Veronica, Rudy, Skid, Molly, Suzy, and Steph Sit! Rudy and Veronica (Gary wouldn't let her take Rudy home)

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