Christmas in California

December 24-25, 2003

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Dyson and Sage having a good time at Mom & Dad's house Stephanie and Mom in the kitchen
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Cooking up a storm! The fried shrimp are looking good
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Grandma Babette, Dad and David The delicious-looking relish tray Dyson is tired out after all that playing
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And so is Sage Fried shrimp! Mom readies the dining room buffet
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Stephanie ponders the recipe print-out
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Sage and Dad Grandma Babette is first in the appetizer buffet line Sage, Dyson and Dad
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The gifts David and Grandma Stephanie, Mom, David and Grandma
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Steph passes out gifts Sage, Dad and Dyson Todd and some of his 18-bottle haul of wine
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Mom, David and Grandma Stephanie and Dyson Todd and his rabbit corkscrew set
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Mom and her Minnella calendar Stephanie, teary-eyed over her glass block with Sage's 3D image in it Close-up of the glass block
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The tree and the living room Family photo: Grandma, David, Todd, Sage, Mom, Stephanie, Dyson and Dad Sage, Dyson and Todd sleep in!

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Last updated: 12/29/03