Fools for Flyball

April 3, 2004

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Chance Rowdy Skyler
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Austin Skyler passing Rowdy Austin
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Austin Steph, Jean and Vince Bailey
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Diva Bruiser Zeke
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Breezy Molly Cash
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Chance Holly Chance
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Chloe Bailey Diva
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Tucker Bruiser Zeke
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Stetson makes a great catch! Dyson Stetson catches again!
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Bullet Sadi Cowboy
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Heart Steph and Sage Susan, Arthur, Sage and Stephanie
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Sage, Stephanie and Jeremy Holly and Val Sage
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Arthur, Stephanie and Sage Susan and Jack with Lizzy and Brinx Sage and Justin
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Sage Sage Holly
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Sage Sage Cash
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Holly Sage shaking off Cash
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Chance Cash Holly
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Chance Holly Breezy
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Dyson Toby passing Dyson SUPER STETSON!
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Susan and Toby Toby passing Dyson Stetson passing Toby
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Wide-angle view of Bananas (left) racing Predator (right) -- Bruiser and Sadie Justin and Miles Zeke and Damon
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Split Endz Steph and Dyson in their traditional shot Breezy
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Dyson Bullet Rampage
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Dyson Bandit, Val, Damon and Trish Veronica and Bandit
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Jeremy, Veronica and Bandit Sadie Skid
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Miles Steph and Veronica Gary, Jeremy and Trish consult the all-powerful board
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Bandit and Cake Ida Ida
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Rowdy Austin Chance
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Skyler No wonder so many tennis balls are flat, Austin Chance
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Steph and Dyson Split Endz Split Endz
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Split Endz Molly and Gary Steph and Dyson

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Last updated: 4/5/04