Dyson, Sage and Molly swimming

May 1, 2004

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Sage was excited to go swimming Dyson was busy choosing pool toys Very busy choosing toys!
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Dad, Grandma and Mom ponder how to fix Grandma's lamppost Sage and her soccer ball Molly
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Grandma, Dad and Mom prepare lunch Sage selected a pool toy
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Dyson and Sage Sage jumped in first Dyson cheated
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Molly dons her K9 Float Coat Dyson jumps in
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Molly "swimming" Dyson and Sage
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Dyson tried to steal the duck... again! Nobody told Sage that she's not a retriever
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Both dogs jump in Dyson
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Molly "jumps in"
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Molly and Grandma
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Sage, Stephanie and Dyson
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Sage, Stephanie and Dyson

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Last updated: 5/8/04