Dog e-Races (Sunnyvale) - Sunday

June 27, 2004

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Line judge's station first thing in the morning Stetson Ida
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Heart Chance Tucker
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Ida Chance Heart
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Holly Bullet Chuck
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Sadie Ambush racing Ida en route to the box
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Holly en route to the box Peg, Chance, Val and Holly Heart en route to the box
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Holly Steph, Heart, Val and Holly Ida en route
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Val and Holly Stealth prepares to race Jet and Peg
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Stealth ready to race Sage en route to the box Chuck, Eunice, Cowboy and Jack
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Sage en route Cowboy Stealth racing
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Jet Cash Sadi
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Cash Stetson Sage
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Chuck Sage Sage
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Stephanie showing off new crate tags Holly Tucker hangs onto that ball!
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Ida Tucker Cowboy
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Bullet Sage Chuck defies gravity
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Austin, Pam, Peg and Holly Doug, Pam and Austin, Chance and Val Tucker
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Chance Birthday-Boy Jack takes times Val releasing Cash, Lynne calling for Sadi
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Pricks waits its turn in the shade Stetson passing Sadie Todd and Dyson
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Stephanie packs the car Sage and Dyson enjoy the fleeting moments of their own queen-sized bed Dyson
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The tire formerly known as the right rear tire (note flap-like puncture in the middle of the photo) The poor Passat wearing its steel spare (luckily full-sized, or we might still be in Tehachapi!)

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Last updated: 6/30/04