Kings Tournament - Sunday

March 20, 2005

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TNG A... hopefully Sage is not biting Brett Relik and Brett Relik, Brett, Sage, Nadine, and Reflex
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I am the most beautiful dog here, you simply MUST take my photograph (Reflex) Relik, Brett, and Sage
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Sage and Relik Sage
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TNG A ready to run Relik and Reflex Viper
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Spiral Rumble Sage
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Sage Reflex Relik
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Taboo Relik Sage
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Sage Ugly Ugly
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Ugly Spiral Spiral
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Shatter Image Tremor
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We did a lot of drying-off of dog feet TNG A Nadine and Ugly
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Katy and Taboo Ugly Ugly
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Ugly Ugly Manic
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Taboo Taboo Taboo
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Relik Sage Image
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Rumble Viper The beautiful hand-made border collie quilt that I did not win
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Deb and Tremor Jen and Image Nadine and Shatter
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Brett, Relik, Nadine and Ugly TNG A ready to race
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Jen and Manic Bret and Spiral's feet Katy and Reflex
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Brett and Relik TNG B
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Bret and Spiral Ellen and Shatter

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Last updated: 3/23/05