Todd & Stephanie's Wedding
April 15, 2000

Chris and Todd getting dressed

Ben, Bernedette, Jean, Todd and Scott, waiting for picture-taking to finish up

Grandma Salm, Steph's Dad, Steph, Steph's Mom, David, and Grandma Babette before the ceremony

Same, except substitute Todd's dad for David

Stephanie, walking down the aisle with Dad

Steph's cousins, Dick Christensen and Amber Gail, after the ceremony

Grandma Babette and Steph's Uncle Rick

David and Grandma Babette

Steph's Mom and cousin John Brottem

Stephs' Mom and her brother, Rick

Todd's Mom and brother, Chris

Kevin and Ben

Bernedette and Chris

Steph and her Dad dancing

Steph and her Mom

Todd's cousins, Scott and Shawn, with Steph

Happy Todd with his wacky new wife!